Industrial clay
Industrial clay is used in a diversified range of industries requiring impermeable barriers. These clays are used primarily in applications where impermeable barriers are required. These applications include liners and caps of landfills, toxic pits, ponds, and irrigation ditches.
Technical Data Sheet
Industrial clay
The information contained herein is based upon data believed to be accurate and current. However, no guarantee or warranty of any kind, express or implied,
is made with respect to the information contained herein. US Mine Corporation accepts no responsibility and disclaims any and all liability for any harmful effects
that may be caused by purchase, resale or use of, or exposure to, its products. Customers or users of our products containing silica must comply with all
applicable domestic and foreign health and safety laws, regulations, rules and orders including, but not limited to, any requirement that customers or users
perform a risk assessment with respect to material or the particular workplace in which it is to be used and to take sufficient risk management measures.